October 1, 2018

FTZ’ine October 2018

While Justice Was In The Balance, Huge Trade Moves In September, the nation was gripped by the succession plans for Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement. At the same time, there was a lot of important trade news of interest to the FTZ community in the month. First and foremost, the negotiating deadline which expired just last night brought us […]
November 1, 2018

FTZ’ine November 2018

  Leaves haven’t changed, but will the color of the House or Senate? The trees surrounding your Capitol building have not yet changed color due to the warm and wet weather last month in Washington DC. Those trees will turn eventually, but what about the Capitol itself? Will either or both chambers change from Red to Blue? Should that happen […]
November 29, 2018

FTZ’ine December 2018

  The FTZ Industry Waited All Month November made for a lot of waiting in the FTZ industry. Significant leadership changes in Congress as a result of Election Day won’t all be worked out until next year. The US-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the free trade agreement intended to replace NAFTA, was signed on the last day of the month, with frenetic negotiations […]
January 3, 2019

FTZ’ine January 2019

We Interrupt This Broadcast – The FTZine Staff wants to wish all of our readers a Happy New Year! 2019 is shaping up to be another big year for trade, with major U.S. negotiations taking place with the world’s largest economies including China, Japan, Canada, and Mexico.  Amid all of those discussions the federal government needs to find a way […]
February 1, 2019

FTZ’ine February 2019

A Historic Month The Federal Government returned to work earlier this week after the longest government shutdown in American history. At 35 days it easily surpassed the previous record holder which took place over 21 days from 1995 to 1996 under President Bill Clinton. Reopening the government put the Department of Commerce back to work, but no FTZ Board activity […]
March 1, 2019

FTZ’ine March 2019

China Negotiations Take Center Stage Two issues consumed the headlines in Washington last month – funding for a wall at the border with Mexico and the continuing negotiations with China on trade. Other trade issues such as free trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, Japan, the European Union, and even Brexit were swept off the stage here in the Nation’s Capital. […]
April 1, 2019

FTZ’ine April 2019

Now Can We Talk About Trade? The Cherry Blossoms are out, and so is the Mueller Report. Spring has finally come to your Nation’s Capital. There were hopes in the international commerce community that release of the Report on possible collusion with Russia would allow a return to focus on broader issues facing Congress and the Administration. Unfortunately, both branches […]
June 3, 2019

FTZ’ine June 2019

FTZs:  Avoiding The Crossfire  The events of the past month were an unprecedented one for trade. It seems like we’ve reported those words a lot recently, but last month also confirmed many of the reasons that companies that rely on a steady stream of imports should rely on the foreign-trade zone program. Like the stock market, the staff here at […]
July 1, 2019

FTZ’ine July 2019

FTZs Dodge A Bullet  At the G-20 Summit in Japan this past weekend, President Trump agreed to postpone additional tariffs on goods from China while the two countries resume trade negotiations. FTZs, like other importers, already face 25% tariffs on over $250B of goods from China. The President had threatened tariffs on an additional $300B+ of Chinese goods, which will […]