August 2015 FTZine
August 1, 2015
October 2015 FTZine
October 1, 2015Back To School Issue
As we flip the calendar to September, thousands of school children in and around the nation’s capital have just returned to school. Following on their heels, Congress gets back to work next week after the holiday. We wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day celebration this weekend. Comments or suggestions on our publication? The editorial staff of the Foreign-Trade ‘Zine, the eMagazine of Foreign-Trade News would love to hear from you. E-mail not displaying properly or links not working? Please open the .pdf version attached to this email for your convenience
Top Story - Chinese Port Disaster Highlights Reshoring Benefits
A recent explosion and fire in Tianjin killed 150 people, injured at least 700, and may have spread toxic chemicals over a large area of this city just south of Beijing. The impact on operations at the ocean port closest to the Chinese capital must factor into the decision on where to locate manufacturing and assembly operations for goods sold in the United States. Since the disaster, the oversight of the chemical storage and exporting facility has been called into question. This raises the possibility that other ports in China may be poised for similar disruptions and highlights the need for U.S. organizations to rethink their offshore production location strategy for goods sold in the United States.
Customs Postpones Mandatory ACE Implementation Date
Customs and Border Protection issued a message yesterday that the timeline for the mandatory transition to ACE for electronic entry and entry summary filing has been postponed. The new deadline when filers will only be permitted to file electronic entries and entry summaries in ACE is Feb 28, 2016. Nov 1, 2015 will now begin a transition period for filings in ACE to allow industry and participating government agencies more time to test and provide feedback as they fully transition into the new system. CBP noted that the transition period does not impact the December 2016 deadline for full implementation of the Single Window (ITDS) via ACE.

Department of The Interior
If you’ve always wanted to visit Mount McKinley . . . . you’re too late. Yes, the mountain that rises more than 20,000 feet above sea level, the tallest on the North American continent, is still there. However, Interior Secretary Jewell just announced that the mountain will be officially given the traditional Koyukon Athabascan name of Denali. Jewell is granted the authority to make such changes in certain cases per the 1947 federal law that provides for the standardization of geographic names. The name change will be reflected in all federal usage, so plan your vacation accordingly.
Department of Energy
The 180-day ‘grace’ period for applying for specific authorization for previously generally authorized activities, and reporting ongoing activities related to the transfer of nuclear technology to foreign countries or nationals under the new §810 regulations, ends very soon on August 24th. If your company participates in the nuclear industry, it is important that you review your compliance plan against the new regulations in order to make adjustments if necessary prior to that date. In particular there are clarified reporting requirements even if your organization transfers technology under a General Authorization provision.

U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board Activity
CoLinx, LLC received authorization of production activity for bearing units within Foreign-Trade Zone No. 148 in Crossville, Tennessee (more)
Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC received authorization of production activity for herbicides and pesticides within FTZ 154B in St. Gabriel and Baton Rouge, Louisiana (more)
Neolpharma, Inc. received authorization of production activity for pharmaceutical products within Subzone 7O in Caguas, Puerto Rico (more)
Outokumpu Stainless USA, LLC received authorization of production activity for stainless steel products within Subzone 82I in Calvert, Alabama (more)
Valeo North America, Inc. received authorization of production activity for motor vehicle air conditioner compressors within Foreign-Trade Zone 39 in Dallas, Texas (more)
Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company, LLC applied for expansion of Subzone 50H in Long Beach, California (more)
M & G Resins, LLC received authorization of production activity for polyethylene terephthalate and terephthalic acid within Subzone 122S in Corpus Christi, Texas (more)
Swisscosmet Corporation applied for subzone status in Foreign-Trade Zone No. 79 for 1 site at its facilities in New Port Richey, Florida (more)
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Alabama, Inc. received authorization of production activity for motor vehicle engines and transmissions within FTZ 83 in Huntsville, Alabama (more)
Springsteen Logistics, LLC applied for subzone status in Foreign-Trade Zone #38 for 3 sites at its facilities in Rock Hill and Fort Lawn, South Carolina (more)
VT Halter Marine, Inc. received approval for expansion of subzone 92A at its facilities in Pascagoula, Mississippi (more)
Takasago International Corporation (USA) submitted a notification of proposed (expanded) production activity FTZ 37 for producing fragrance compounds in Harriman, New York (more)
Cormetech, Inc received authorization of production activity for selective catalyst reduction catalysts within Foreign-Trade Zone # 134 in Cleveland, Tennessee (more)
FTZ 225 applied to expand its Alternative Site Framework Zone with an additional magnet site in Neosho, Missouri (more)
ASO, LLC’s application for expanded production authority to produce textile fabric adhesive bandages within Subzone 169A in Sarasota, FL was denied (more)
Foreign-Trade Zone Number 281 applied to expand its Alternative Site Framework Zone with an additional magnet site in Miami, Florida (more)
Festo Corporation submitted a notification of proposed production activity in Foreign-Trade Zone #46 for producing pneumatic/electric cylinders and drives, valve manifolds, and electronic control systems in Mason, Ohio (more)
Houston Refining LP applied for expansion of Subzone 84P in Houston and Pasadena, Texas (more)