FTZ’ine December 2020
December 2, 2020
FTZ’ine February 2021
February 2, 2021It’s Over
The best part about the New Year . . . is that it swept out the old one. Perhaps the year 2020 will become like the 13th Floor; simply dropped from the list and never mentioned or discussed. Next!
The end of the year was particularly active for trade news which gets 2021 off to a rousing start. The U.K struck a trade deal with the EU and Brexit is done. Congress failed to pass a trade vehicle so GSP and MTB expired, as did a large number of exclusions to the Section 301 tariffs. Despite economy fears, the Port of LA/Long Beach was overwhelmed with import container volume, causing delays long enough to put FTZ cargo into General Order while still in transit!
Special thanks go to FTZ #43 which played a key role in the rollout of a vaccine for COVID-19 Vaccine. At the heart of Pfizer’s cold chain, the Battle Creek, MI Zone staged unapproved vaccine doses to enable the fastest possible rollout to elderly Americans and first responders.

Top Story: Expiring Trade Relief Measures Highlight FTZs
Late last year, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) had pressed Congress to pass a bill containing technical corrections to the United States-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement (USMCA).
Tech Tip
Have you seen the recent CSMS messages about the zone ID numbering and wondered what they are all about?
First CSMS #45116249 let us know on December 9th that the ACE Entry Summary Create/Update CATAIR had been updated to accommodate an FTZ Identifier format change. Then on December 21st, CSMS #45244014 announced that the deployment of that change was pushed from January 23, 2021 to April 24, 2021.
You might be wondering, “Didn’t we already change the FTZ ID a few months ago?” Well, yes, and no. The changes to the e214 in September 2020 did update the FTZ ID format from 7 to 9 characters, to accommodate the need for additional digits in the subzone and site ID portions of the number for new zones. But that change was only to the e214. The zone ID is also included on the entry summary (7501). So, if new zones are going to start using this new numbering format, both filings need to be updated. The plan was to get that done in Jan 2021, but it seems it will be pushed to April.
What does that mean for you? If a broker files your 7501s, make sure they are ready to use the new format when it does go into production, as this will be a hard cutover. So, even though your zone ID will not be changing (the new format is only for newly activated zones in the future), the ABI software must be ready to report your zone ID in the correct location. And if you self-file, check your own software to make sure you’re ready for this switch in April.
If you have questions about this new zone ID, or filing e214s, please contact us at Info@iscm.co.

More Tariffs on EU Goods Coming Due To Airbus Dispute
USTR announced last month that countervailing duties (CVD) would be added on certain European Union (EU) products, including aircraft components and wines from France and Germany.
New EU/China Trade Deal May Irk Biden Administration
Last month, European Union officials and Chinese President Xi Jinping completed a business investment deal that is sure to rankle the current and incoming US administrations.

Boris Strikes an 11th Hour Deal, And Brexit is Done
After 48 Years, United Kingdom formally exited the European Union on New Year’s Day.
Not Exactly On The Same Page re:Hong Kong Exports
The Census Bureau just issued a clarification to the AES filing requirements for exports to Hong Kong.

Santa Didn’t Bring Us A Commerce Secretary
The holiday season brought many things, but not a candidate for Secretary of Commerce.
At press time President-elect Biden had yet to announce his picks for Labor Secretary, Commerce Secretary or Attorney General, and his transition team is dealing with intense lobbying as the list of open slots grows smaller.
FTZ Board Activity
- ProAmpac Holdings, Inc. received authorization of production activity for flexible packaging applications within Foreign-Trade Zone 201D in Westfield, Massachusetts. MORE
- ASML US, LLC received approval to expand Subzone 76A in Wilton, Connecticutt. MORE
- JJS Transportation and Distribution Co Inc. submitted an application to operate its Valley Stream, New York facility as a subzone of FTZ 37 in Orange County, New York. MORE
- Aker Solutions, Inc. received authorization of production activity for subsea oil and gas systems within Foreign-Trade Zone 82 in Mobile, Alabama. MORE
- Xylem Water Systems USA LLC received authorization of production activity for centrifugal and submersible pumps within FTZ 90D in Auburn, New York. MORE
- Abbott Laboratories received approval to expand Subzone 22F in Itasca, Illinois. MORE
- Arbor Foods Inc. had its application for production authority rejected for blended syrup within Foreign-Trade Zone 8 in Toledo, Ohio. MORE
- Airbus OneWeb Satellites North America LLC received authorization of production activity for satellites and satellite systems within FTZ 136 in Merritt Island, Florida. MORE
- CMC Steel Fabricators, Inc., d/b/a CMC Steel Arizona submitted an application for subzone status for its facility within FTZ 221 in Mesa, Arizona. MORE
- Schlumberger Technology Corporation, Reslink Product Center received authorization of production activity for sand screen and related accessories within Foreign-Trade Zone 84 in Baytown and Houston, Texas. MORE
- An invitation for public comment on rebuttal submission has been issued for the application for production authority submitted by Teijin Carbon Fibers, Inc. for the production of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber within FTZ 38 in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. MORE
- MANE, Inc. submitted a notification of proposed production activity for flavor preparations and seasonings within Foreign-Trade Zone 46 in Cincinnati and Lebanon, Ohio. MORE
- MANE USA received approval to operate its facility in Wayne and Parsippany, New Jersey as Subzone 44M. MORE
- The New London Foreign Trade Zone Commission received approval to reorganize Foreign-Trade Zone 208 under the alternative site framework with a service area of New London, Connecticut. MORE

It’s Over –
The best part about the New Year . . . is that it swept out the old one. Perhaps the year 2020 will become like the 13th Floor; simply dropped from the list and never mentioned or discussed. Next!
The end of the year was particularly active for trade news which gets 2021 off to a rousing start. The U.K struck a trade deal with the EU and Brexit is done. Congress failed to pass a trade vehicle so GSP and MTB expired, as did a large number of exclusions to the Section 301 tariffs. Despite economy fears, the Port of LA/Long Beach was overwhelmed with import container volume, causing delays long enough to put FTZ cargo into General Order while still in transit! Special thanks go to FTZ #43 which played a key role in the rollout of a vaccine for COVID-19 Vaccine. At the heart of Pfizer’s cold chain, the Battle Creek, MI Zone staged unapproved vaccine doses to enable the fastest possible rollout to elderly Americans and first responders.