July 2015 FTZine
July 1, 2015
September 2015 FTZine
September 3, 2015It’s Getting Hot In The District
Just when you thought the Presidential campaign was getting monotonous, Donald Trump enters the race this month and forces all of the candidates to address both the issues he has raised and the language he uses to describe them. Looks like it is going to be a long hot summer in DC!
Top Story - TPP Negotiators Fail To Reach Agreement
Despite the optimism and time pressure going into the latest round of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, no agreement was reached by the conclusion of the talks last week in Maui.
Commerce Removes Cuba Terrorism Designation
On July 20th BIS eliminated references in the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism. Changes resulting from the removal of the State Sponsor of Terrorism designation include permitting the reexport to Cuba of foreign-made products with up to 25% U.S.-origin content, (up from the previous level of 10%), and also generally allowing the export of replacement parts for items legally exported to Cuba. Consistent with the comprehensive embargo on trade with Cuba, however, a license will still be required to export or reexport to Cuba any item subject to EAR unless a license exception is available.

Customs And Border Protection
This month U.S. Customs and Border Protection concluded a week-long joint “table top exercise” on handling import safety issues with Canada in Ottawa. The joint Table Top Exercise (TTX) included officials from U.S. Customs, Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and Health Canada. The exercise focused on critical incidents involving imported products that were found to be dangerous, hazardous and volatile, and helped both countries understand how the other would respond in a border incident.
Department of Energy
The 180-day ‘grace’ period for applying for specific authorization for previously generally authorized activities, and reporting ongoing activities related to the transfer of nuclear technology to foreign countries or nationals under the new §810 regulations, ends very soon on August 24th. If your company participates in the nuclear industry, it is important that you review your compliance plan against the new regulations in order to make adjustments if necessary prior to that date. In particular there are clarified reporting requirements even if your organization transfers technology under a General Authorization provision.

Bureau of Industry and Security

U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board Activity
Haier America Trading, LLC applied for subzone status in Foreign Trade Zone Number 262 for its facility in Olive Branch, Mississippi (more)
Sasol Chemicals (USA), LLC applied for subzone status in FTZ 87 for 3 sites at its facilities in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana (more)
Mercedes Benz USA, LLC received authorization of production activity for accessorizing motor vehicles within Foreign Trade Zone Number 50 in Long Beach, CA (more)
Syncreon Logistics (USA), LLC received authorization of production activity for kitting GoPro cameras and accessories within Foreign Trade Zone Number 202 in LA (more)
Foreign Trade Zone Number 147 applied to expand its Alternative Site Framework Service Area to 5 additional counties in central Pennsylvania (more)
Isola USA Corporation received authorization of production activity for prepreg and copper clad laminate within Foreign Trade Zone Number 127 in West Columbia, South Carolina (more)
The Cookson Company, Inc. submitted a notification of proposed production activity in Site 11 of Foreign Trade Zone Number 277 for producing rolling steel doors in Goodyear, Arizona (more)
Givaudan Fragrances Corporation received authorization of production activity for fragrance compounds within FTZ 44 in Mount Olive, New Jersey(more)
Foreign Trade Zone Number 42’s application to reorganize under the Alternative Site Framework was approved in accordance with the application (more)
FTZ 33 applied to reorganize under the Alternative Site Framework with a Service Area of 11 counties in western Pennsylvania (more)
Samsung Electronics America, Inc. received authorization of production activity for kitting mobile phones and tablet computers within Site 9 of Foreign Trade Zone Number 168 in Coppell, Texas (more)
Foreign Trade Zone Number 258 applied to reorganize under the Alternative Site Framework with a Service Area of a portion of Bowie County in northeast Texas (more)