June 27, 2024

FTZ’ine July 2024

Where Will You Be Tonight At 9?: Our guess is that you will be watching the historic showdown between current President Joseph Biden and former President Donald Trump. The City of Atlanta hosts as CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate this year’s first Presidential debate beginning at 9 pm eastern. Trade, particularly trade with China, will be a […]
July 31, 2024

FTZ’ine August 2024

That’s All Folks! Well, that’s all for the 2024 legislative agenda anyway. Wow. What a difference a month makes. As the last FTZ’ine went to press, we were eagerly anticipating the first Presidential Debate in a close race. A day later it looked like we could end up with a landslide. Three weeks after that we have a serious race […]
September 4, 2024

FTZ’ine September 2024

Deere In The Headlights: John Deere, the world’s largest seller of tractors and crop harvesters, has laid off over 1,000 workers so far this year as it shifts production to Mexico. That is sure to become a campaign issue as both Presidential candidates look to show support for union workers, and demonstrate understanding of the impact international trade issues have […]