May 2017 FTZine
May 4, 2017
September 2017 FTZine
September 7, 2017
Top Story – Customs Announces Revised ACE Release Schedule
Late last week Customs and Border Protection announced the deployment schedule for most of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) capabilities it postponed last month. On September 16, 2017, CBP plans to release e214, on December 16th Statements will be available and on February 24, 2018 Reconciliation, ACE Core Drawback and Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act (TFTEA) Drawback, Liquidation and Automated Surety Interface (ASI). All functionality is supposed to be available for testing now. Read the full release from CBP here

US and UK Try to Forge Free Trade Agreement on Eve of Brexit
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross attended a two-day series of meetings in Washington with his British counterpart, Trade Secretary Liam Fox, aimed in part at laying the groundwork for an eventual trade deal once the U.K. withdraws from the European Union.

Siemens Experiences Diversion of Sensitive Exports
A dispute between Berlin and Moscow escalated last month after Siemens, the German industrial giant, said it would stop delivering power plant equipment to Russia.

Trump Administration Announces NAFTA Renegotiation Goals
In July President Trump's administration released its goals for the renegotiation of the NAFTA likely to begin later this year.

Did You Know?
On July 16, 1790, a compromise between Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison—known as the Residence Act—was passed, declaring George Washington's selection of a site on the Potomac River as the nation's new permanent capital. Washington had picked out the location, then almost perfectly in the middle of the country, and laid out a perfect diamond shape spanning parts of Maryland and Virginia.

U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board Activity
Lam Research Corporation submitted an application to add 7.82 acres to Site 4 of Subzone 18F in Livermore, California (Learn More)
Xerox Corporation received approval for production activity of xerographic bulk toner and toner cartridges within Subzone 141B in Webster, New York (Learn More)
The list of sites for Foreign-Trade Zone 132 in Coos Bay, Oregon were renumbered without altering the physical boundaries of the zone.(Learn More)
LT Autos, LLC amended their subzone application to include 4.12 acres in Ponce, Puerto Rico as a Subzone of Foreign-Trade Zone 163 (Learn More)
R.W. Smith and Co./TriMark USA, LLC submitted an application to operate their 15.65 acre Lewisville, Texas location as a Subzone of FTZ 168 (Lean More)
Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings Pharma, Ltd. received authorization of production activity for pharmaceuticals within Subzone 7J in Manati, Puerto Rico (Learn More)
Estee Lauder Inc. submitted an application requesting production authority for skin care, fragrance, and cosmetic products within Site 4 of Foreign-Trade Zone 52 in Melville, New York (Learn More)
Eastman Kodak Co. submitted a notification of proposed production activity for printing flexographic and aluminum plates within a new subzone of Foreign-Trade Zone 106 in Weatherford, Oklahoma (Learn More)
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Your Nation’s Capital is known for its hot, humid summers. Abraham Lincoln would take a carriage ride to Maryland whenever possible to escape. Later, Camp David was established and was a retreat available to the President when Congress adjourned for the summer. There has been no such escape this summer. Soaring temperatures and significant resignations and firings made for an unusually hot and hectic July around here.