The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is the $3B+ information system developed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to track United States import and export activity. Concurrent with the development of ACE, CBP modernized the business processes used to secure U.S. borders, speed the flow of legitimate trade and target illicit goods that require further scrutiny. ACE is now the ‘single window’, and system of record, through which all import and export data is exchanged between the trade CBP, and its 49 Partner Government Agencies.
According to CBP officials, ACE is one of the most complex IT projects the U.S. government has ever seen. That can make ACE difficult for the trade to understand and use. ‘Ask the aceperts™’ helps you get solutions for accessing this important system and using it to improve export, import, and FTZ compliance in your organization. Questions about ACE? Post a comment and one of our aceperts™ will post a response!